TEAR Quiz Night

TEAR Quiz Night

This September Basement will participate in Slum Survivor, a simulation experience designed to:

  • help people get a taste of what life might be like in a slum
  • reflect on God’s concern for the poor
  • start thinking about how they can respond

TEAR Australia has four key ways that people are able to be involved with what is happening in developing countries: Learn, Give, Act and Pray. As a response to the experiences of the youth during Slum Survivor, we hope that the Quiz Night will be an opportunity for you to learn about and give towards the work of TEAR Australia. We also hope that you would be inspired to act and pray beyond the events of the weekend.

Cost: $10 and there will also be a silent auction to raise additional money. If you’re able to donate an item please contact office@trinityhills.church.

Grab 6-8 friends, or even people you don’t know so well, book a table to ensure your place, and open the books to study up on your general knowledge.

Hope to see you there!
