Growth Groups

Growth Groups

At Trinity Church Aldgate our Growth Groups are a vital part of our life together. As we follow Jesus as his disciples we need the fellowship, support & encouragement of other disciples. We also need to serve and be served by others with the gifts that God gives us. We need a place where we can both know and be known. Growth Groups provide an opportunity for closer relationships to form week by week as the group meets to study and apply God’s word, pray with and for each other, serve the one another and the community, and share life together.

Our Sunday meetings are an essential part of our life together as God’s church, but it is often difficult for close relationships to develop in this larger context.

We have lots of different groups. Groups for men, women, and mixed groups; Younger groups and older groups; Day time groups and night time groups. There is also a group for young adults. The one thing that they all have in common is that they are groups that meet around the Bible, to explore God’s word, encourage and build one another up, and equip each other to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to get more information or find a group that meets in your area, please email
