

Kids are valuable members of the Trinity Church Aldgate family. Our prayerful goal is to make and grow disciples of all ages. And we believe that God works just as powerfully in the hearts, minds and lives of children as he does in adults. Therefore we are committed to providing a fun, safe environment on Sunday mornings for kids to learn from God’s word and build relationships with one another. 

Kids participate for the first 20 or so minutes of the main service (which includes a kids’ talk) in the hall, and then go down with leaders to their separate programs in the adjacent ministry centre.

We run the following Sunday school programs:

Crèche & Minis | From 6 months up to reception age

A typical morning will include craft, music plus a short video on a Bible passage. We use teaching material from the Gospel Project, which covers the Bible over three years in an age-appropriate format. 

Kids Church | Years 1-6

At Kids church, children will play games, hear from the Bible, watch a short video and learn memory verses. We use teaching material from the Gospel Project, which covers the Bible over three years in an age-appropriate format.

Our children’s ministries run throughout school terms and some weeks of the school holidays. Activity packs are provided for younger children on the other weeks. On some weeks – such as Christmas and Easter – we run all-age services with shorter talks particularly aimed at including children. 


To register your children for our programs, you can access our online form here. Any children not registered for our programs will need to be signed in on the day by a parent or guardian, in order to participate.


In all ministries to children and youth at Trinity Church Aldgate, every adult leader and helper has undergone safe ministry clearance and child safe training outlined by the Adelaide Anglican Diocese and State Government. This includes undergoing child safe environments training and safe church communities training. All teenage helpers work under the supervision of experienced adult leaders, and those aged 14-17 years are also required to be approved by the Diocese.

Please do not hesitate to talk to the leaders if you have any questions about our child protection policies. For more information about the Adelaide Anglican Diocese safe ministry procedures, or to begin the process of approval to work in children’s ministry areas, visit the Diocese safe ministry website here.

We also run Mainly Music on Thursday mornings. Click here for more information.
